Tag Archives: council
The Express Newspaper November 24, 2016
Esplande Dominates City Council Meeting
Article on page 10 of the 11/17 Express.
The Express Newspaper November 17, 2016
Stillwater HS to Cooperate with Prevention Council
Article on page 8 of the 08/11 issue.
Halfmoon Town Board & Mechanicville City Council
MECHANICVILLE APRIL 6- City Clerk Michelle Duel announced that revised assessments will be sent out the last week of April. Home owners will have a short time to dispute the findings if they wish.
Read the entire article in the 04/14 issue of the Express.
Mayor’s Secretary a Topic During Council Meeting – by T Mahoney
MECHANICVILLE FEBRUARY 17- A public hearing was scheduled for this date to discuss amendments in to City Code relating to the Mayor's secretary. Under the proposal the secretary or secretaries would will receive a salary determined by the Mayor and would serve at the pleasure of the Mayor.
Read the article in the 02-25 Express.
The Express Newspaper February 25, 2016
Stillwater HS and Prevention Council
STILLWATER – The 2015-16 school year at Stillwater High School will include a series of programs designed to help Stillwater teens make responsible decisions concerning alcohol, tobacco and drug use. The Prevention Council of Saratoga will present a series of classroom and extracurricular programs highlighting the dangers of substance use as well as the consequences of harmful or threatening online behavior.
Read the entire article in the Oct. 1st edition.