The Express Newspaper May 5, 2016

Stillwater Town Board Meeting – by H. Wessell

TOWN OF STILLWATER, April 21 – The agenda for the April 21 meeting of the Stillwater Town board dealt primarily with five matters up for vote: Scheduling a public hearing to consider extending the Franchise Agreement with Time Warner Cable;  Hiring of two Replacement Police Officers; temporarily waiving the Town Noise Ordinance for a one-time musical event at Brown’s Beach in May; appointing a Chairman to the Zoning Board of Appeals; and scheduling a Public Hearing to consider extending the franchise agreement with Time Warner Cable

Article in the 04-28 edition

The Express Newspaper April 28, 2016

Awards and Achievements/Local College Students

Alyssa Bonesteel presents at national undergraduate research conference

SCHENECTADY, NY (04/15/2016)-- Alyssa Bonesteel, of Melrose, NY, presented at the 30th annual National Conference on Undergraduate Research at the University of North Carolina, Asheville.

Bonesteel is a member of the Union College Class of 2018 majoring in Political Science and Russian and East Europeam Studies.

139 Students Receive the Susan Sutton Smith Award

ONEONTA, NY (04/19/2016)-- A total of 139 students received the SUNY Oneonta 2015-2016 Susan Sutton Smith Award for academic excellence. To be eligible for the award, a student must be a freshman, sophomore or junior with a grade-point average of 3.9 or higher.

Student award winners received a certificate, a gift card to the campus bookstore, and an invitation to attend the annual Susan Sutton Smith Lecture and reception. Dr. Susan Bernardin, professor of English at SUNY Oneonta, delivered this year's lecture on Tuesday, April 12, in the Craven Lounge of the college's Morris Conference Center. Bernardin is the 22nd recipient of the Susan Sutton Smith Faculty Prize for Academic Excellence, created to recognize faculty achievement outside the classroom and named in memory of the late SUNY Oneonta professor of English.

The following area students received the Susan Sutton Smith Award:

Connor Chapman of Clifton Park, NY, a junior majoring in Meteorology;

Emma Cohen of Stillwater, NY, a sophomore majoring in Political Science;

Connor Killane of Clifton Park, NY, a sophomore majoring in Business Economics;

How to Improve the Town of Stillwater – by H. Wessell

THE STILLWATERS, April 15 – The Town and Village have already partnered on an extensive waterfront  rezoning initiative. Now, they have put their heads together on a process that will go hand in hand:  to take a long look at the zoning in the Town, for which Chazen Engineers and  Planning4Places were selected to develop it. An introductory "Zoning Update Kickoff" with various town and local organization leaders took place Friday morning.

April 21 issue.

The Express Newspaper – April 21, 2016

Mechanicville-Stillwater Breast Cancer Committee Awarded – by Sandy McBride

At a recent meeting of the Mechanicville/Stillwater Walk for Breast Cancer Awareness Committee, representatives of the three organizations which have been the recipients of the proceeds of seven annual fundraising walks by the people of our communities were present to honor the committee.

Read the entire article in the 04-14 issue.

Stillwater Central School Budget Vote – by V. Gallagher

STILLWATER – On May 17, Stillwater Central School District residents will vote on a proposed $23,989,459 budget for the 2016-17 school year. The board of education unanimously adopted the budget proposal at its meeting on Tuesday, April 5. If voters approve the spending plan, the projected tax levy—the total amount of money a school district can raise through property taxes—would increase by 4.81 percent. This increase remains below Stillwater’s maximum allowable tax levy increase as determined by the state’s tax levy cap formula.

Read the entire article in the 04-14 issue.