Tag Archives: richardson
Gazebo to be Rebuilt
Article on page 2 of the July 20th Express.
The June 22, 2017 Express Newspaper
The Express Newspaper January 12, 2017
Mechanicville – City Has New Banner at No Cost
Article on page 2 of eh 08/25 edition.
Heirloom Quilt – by Sandy McBride
Photos and article on page 7 of the 08/11 edition.
Mechanicville Teachers gibson & Richardson “Teachers of Excellence”
MECHANICVILLE – New York Senator Kathy Marchione (R,C,I-Halfmoon), Chair of the Senate’s Local Government Committee, today presented a “Teacher of Excellence Award” to co-teachers Jerry Gibson and Anne Richardson from Mechanicville Elementary School. Both teachers were each presented with an official Teacher of Excellence Certificate, a Golden Apple Pin and a $500 award for their school.
Article and photos in the 06-16 edition.
The Express Newspaper June 16, 2016
Local Officials Take Oaths of Office
MECHANICVILLE JANUARY 1- Mark Seber, retiring Commissioner of Accounts, conducted the swearing in ceremony which began at noon at the Senior Citizens Center. Judge Ciulla performed the swearing in of the officials.
Read the entire article in the Jan. 7th edition.
Re-Elect Tom Richardson
Tom Richardson
Mechanicville Supervisor
Tuesday, November 3
Your support is greatly appreciated!