The Express Newspaper July 9, 2015

Mary Canonica Celebrates 100 Years – by S. McBride

Mary Josephine LaVigna Canonica was born on July 13, 1915.  It had been just two years since Henry Ford devised an assembly line so he could produce those new-fangled things known as automobiles more quickly, economically and efficiently.  And it had been only a year since Germany declared war on France, Great Britain declared war on Germany, Austria-Hungary declared war on Russia and the United States declared neutrality in all those conflicts and even offered to broker a peaceful settlement before it all exploded into a world-wide war.

Read the entire article in the July 2nd edition.

The Express Newspaper June 25, 2015

The Three Bears and Traveling on Holidays – by S. McBride

When Tom and I gave up dairy farming with its 24/7 commitment 30 years ago and were at last able to travel, it didn’t take us long to make a vow that we would absolutely never travel on holiday weekends, especially Memorial Day.

We kept that promise for 29 years.  Here in 2015, however, we found ourselves on a road trip to Alabama for our granddaughter’s high school graduation, ironically taking place the day the holiday weekend began.  Oops!

Read the entire article in the June 18th edition.

The Express Newspaper June 18, 2015

The Express Newspaper – May 21, 2015

Last Month in the Civil War/ Two Journeys – by S. McBride

2nd half:

On April 20, George Atzerodt, who had failed in his mission to assassinate Vice President Andrew Johnson, was arrested.

  Having hidden in the pine thicket in Maryland for several days as Federal troops scoured the area looking for them, Booth and Herold were desperate, hungry and cold, and Booth was in pain.  Cox arranged for Thomas Jones, a die-hard Confederate sympathizer, to get them across the Potomac to safety in Virginia.

Read the entire article in the May 7th issue.

All Saints on the Hudson Basketball Benefit – by S. McBride

“Start Your Engines for a Cure!”

This was the theme of the 7th annual All Saints on the Hudson Youth Council Benefit Basketball Game held last week at the Mechanicville High School gym.  With a fanciful design of a tugboat and a race car on white T-shirts and royal blue T-shirts, the theme honored Tim Pisculli of Mechanicville, a tugboat captain, and Karen Schultz of Stillwater, a NASCAR racing fan, who have both passed away recently after courageously battling cancer.

Read the entire article in the May 7th issue.

PISCULLI & SCHULTZ youth council and families

The Express Newspaper – May 7, 2015