City Council News – by T. Mahoney

MECHANICVILLE SEPTEMBER 17- At the City Council Meeting City Clerk Mark Seber announced that 5 properties in the City still have unpaid taxes. On October 9th at the Senior Citizens Center an auction will commence to dispose of any or all of those properties whose taxes are still unpaid.

Read the entire article in the Sept. 25th issue of the Express.


Richard A. Marinello – 64

MECHANICVILLE - Richard A. Marinello passed away Monday, August 25, 2014 at his home. He was 64.

In addition to his mother Josephine, Richard is survived by his two uncles, Daniel and Paul Marinello; one aunt, Esther Laurenzo and her husband Abe and many cousins.

In respect to Richard's wishes, there will be no calling hours or services.

Arrangements are under the direction of the William J. Burke & Sons/Bussing & Cunniff Funeral Homes of 628 North Broadway 9584-5373), Saratoga Springs, NY.

Online remembrances may be made at


Common Core Mechanicville School Board – by H. Wessell

Three area superintendents of schools with very different histories had similar thoughts on how Common Core is doing in its second year, in their districts.

Dr. Stanley Maziejka has been Superintendent of the Stillwater Central School district for eight years, and with his previous eight years leading the Fort Edward district is currently the senior superintendent in the entire capital region.

Read the entire article in the Sept. 11th issue of the Express.

The Express Newspaper – September 11, 2014

All Saints on the Hudson Faith Formation Registration

MECHANICVILLE - Registration for all grades Kindergarten to High school will be available the following times and places:

  • At the Parish Center 52, William Street, Mechanicville: after the 4:00pm Mass and 10:30 am Mass: the weekends of September 6th / 13th and September 7th/ 14th
  • Registration will also be offered during Faith Formation office hours Monday- Thursday - 8:00am to 3:00pm.

Registration Forms are also available to download or to pick up at the following places:


  • At St Peter’s Church, Stillwater, and St Paul’s in Mechanicville *
  • Classes Start for Elementary Grades on Monday, September 22 And Wednesday, September 24th
  • For Grades 6-High School, Sunday, September 28th

Please call Vickie Giulianelli, Director of Faith Formation with any questions or concerns at 664-3354.