Central Avenue Bridge is Now Open

MECHANICVILLE DECEMBER 18- At 6:30 PM Central Ave was open to all traffic. An hour earlier Central Ave. had been open to north bound traffic only. Mayor Dennis Baker expressed his thanks that Central Ave. was now open. He hoped that the merchants in Mechanicville would begin to see an increase in business now that Central is open, The bridge project on Central began on June 18, It was slated for a completion date of November 28. Completion dates were postponed to a skeptical public. The last date offered for completion by The Saratoga County DPW was "sometime the week of December 15th." This time they got it.}

The Express Newspaper – December 25, 2014

Central Ave. to Open “Sometime During the Week of Dec. 15th” – by Gerstenberger, Gowett & Coreno

MECHANICVILLE DECEMBER 3 - Commissioner Higgins stated at the city council meeting that the bridge is about 1 week behind due to the weather. Saratoga County Department of Public Works informed him that because of recent temperatures under 45 degrees the concrete could not cure.

Read this and other Town and City news in the Dec. 11th issue of the Express.

The Express Newspaper December 11, 2014

Central Ave. Bridge Slated to Open December 12th….

The Central Ave. bridge is slated to be open and completed by December 12


Central Ave. Bridge Opening Delayed – By T. Mahoney

MECHANICVILLE NOVEMBER 3 - The Central Ave. bridge will not be completed until the "first or second week of December," according to Thomas Speziale, Deputy Commissioner of the Saratoga County Department of Public Works. He attributed the delay to the recent rain which resulted in high water . Rain and/or freezing temperatures could delay the project more. Warm, dry weather would lead to an opening the first week of December.


Mechanicville Bridge Project – by H. Wessell

BALLSTON SPA, April 8– Saratoga  County Public Works Commissioner  Keith Manz, appearing before the County Public Works Committee,  explained that the last  hurdle remaining has been surmounted, and the County can accept federal and state funding for the US 4 bridge over the Anthony Kill, on North Central Avenue.

The $3.3 million project (its  costs escalated due to issues of old industrial soil pollution) will be funded 80 percent by federal money, 15 percent from the state; and the local share,  5 percent local. It will start in about a month, and be finished in late fall, he expected. Sidewalk and drainage improvements will be included.

He explained that action was now possible, because  the County had finally gotten over the hurdle of just one remaining  easement request.  That, he stressed is important  because there "are a number of other bridges in and around the City of Mechanicville."

Read the entire article in the April 17th issue of the Express.