The Express Newspaper – September 29, 2016


Saturday, August 8th, 8am - 3pm (rain date August 9th) Fort Hardy Beach, Route 29, Schuylerville. New this year, Firefighters Challenge Race. Hudson Crossing Park presents a family fun day that’s free for spectators. Races 1:00 – 3:00 pm. Best photos opportunities 12 - 2pm.

On-site registration and construction for competitors is open from 8 – 11:30am. More information, rules, online pre-registration discounts, and cardboard boat building links are available at

This event is sponsored in part by the Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor, NYS Canal Corporation, Schuylerville Chamber of Commerce, GE and Stewarts Holiday Match.

Troy Turkey Trot – By C. Barton

Troy- This years 67th annual Troy Turkey Trot was held on November 27th. The Troy Turkey Trot was founded in 1916 and has been running consecutively since 1964. The Troy Turkey Trot continues to be a Thanksgiving tradition for many families, one that extends far beyond the Capital District. According to race statistics, it is estimated that each year the event draws as many as 8.000 participants from 37 different states.

Read the entire article in the Dec. 4 issue of the Express.

Johnsonville 5K Pumpkin Race – By C. Barton

   Twenty-two runners participated in the 3rd annual 5K Pumpkin Brigade on October 25th in Johnsonville. The results for the race have been calculated. The 2014 first place winner with a time of 24:06 was Megan Reynolds of Johnsonville NY. Jason Malm also of Johnsonville holds second place with a time of 24:48 and Ann Alessandrini of Johnsonville took third place with a time of 26:06.

Read the entire article in the Oct. 6th Edition of the Express.

Mechanicville’s D.A.R.E. Race – by Sandy McBride


122 runners and two dozen walkers gathered last Wednesday to participate in the 25th annual DARE race and fun walk in downtown Mechanicville.  Kevin Connors of the Connors Agency, an original sponsor of the event, was pleased to announce that Joe Kelly had run the race for the 25th time, the only entrant to do all twenty-five.  Mr. Kelly is more than 80 years old, and Kevin says he knocked two full seconds off his 2013 time!  He was beaten in his age division by fellow octogenarian Richard Schumacher by less than a minute.  And trailing by not a lot was the winner of the 90 plus division, Virginia Donahue.


Read the entire article in the June 5th issue of the Express.