The Express Newspaper – August 28, 2014

City Approves New Stop Signs, Moratorium on Tag Days – by T. Mahoney

MECHANICVILLE JULY 2- Mechanicville DPW will be paid from NYSEG to do the black topping to cover the holes they have dug for the gas replacement lines.

Chief Waldron recommended that the City increase fines for truck traffic penalties.Many trucks have not been following the posted signs in the City. He suggested that the first offense go from $50 to the $150-$250 range; 2nd offense $250 -$350; and 3rd offense $350. This will require an amendment to the City Code. Waldron believes the current fines are so small that it is easier to pay the fine than to take the 9 mile re routing. The extra truck traffic on Main may be the cause of the water main breaks.

Read the entire article in the July 10th issue of the Express.

Dennis Latham Retires as Stillwater Police Chief – by Sandy McBride


On June 30, Dennis Latham will step down as Chief of Police of the Stillwater Police Department after 30 years in that position.  For Dennis, it will be a bittersweet moment.  It may be time to move on to the next stage of a busy and productive life, but leaving the department which he helped to found 38 years ago, and the fellow officers with whom he shares a mutual respect and sense of camaraderie after so many years of facing so many challenges, is not easy for him.


Read the entire article in the June 5th issue of the Express.

Cordani Named Stillwater Police Commissioner – by H. Wessell


TOWN  OF STILLWATER. May 17th The Express was advised over the weekend by Supervisor Edward Kinowski that 21-year veteran Town Police Sergeant Raymond  Cordani will become Police Commissioner, in charge of the local department on the retirement of Chief Dennis Latham on June 30.

   He technically will replace Councilwoman Lisa Bruno, who is current Police Commissioner, at that time.

   In the new position, which is uncompensated, Kinowski explained he will remain First Sergeant. A second  position  of  Sergeant, that he said the Town has not had for some time, is being advertised, as Bruno confirmed .



You can read the entire article in the May 22nd issue of the Express.

Mechanicville Police Report Scam

The Mechanicville Police received information regarding contractors who come knocking on people’s doors and offer a service. While they did provide a service and may have repaired the issue, the amount of money they charge you is usually far greater than it should have been. So as a friendly reminder, we urge all residents to use caution when hiring a contractor to do work.


Here are some (cautionary) tips to look out for:

  • ·          solicits door-to-door;
  • ·         offers you discounts for finding other customers;
  • ·         just happens to have materials left over from a previous job;
  • ·         only accepts cash payments;
  • ·         asks you to get the required building permits;
  • ·         does not list a business number in the local telephone directory;
  • ·         tells you your job will be a "demonstration;"
  • ·         pressures you for an immediate decision;
  • ·         offers exceptionally long guarantees;
  • ·         asks you to pay for the entire job up-front;
  • ·         suggests that you borrow money from a lender the contractor knows. If you’re not careful, you could lose your home through a home improvement loan scam.


If you ever have any concerns, please feel to contact your local police department at 664-7383 and we will help or investigate the incident.

City Police Taking Strong Stance on Problems at Plaza – By Harold Wessell

MECHANICVILLE, May 1 – City Police will increase patrol of the Park Avenue Plaza, and seek more collaboration with businesses, in the wake of troublesome large group loitering there that can lead to fights, and has.

Chief Joseph Waldron addressing the City Council at its May agenda meeting reported that there has been a rise in such incidents, and the department will be "taking a strong stance against loitering." He said two persons were seriously injured from one fight that developed inside the Plaza.

Another time, officers pulled over “a car with six people, vodka and a 30 pack of Budweiser, and not one person over 20."  One became resistant and injured an officer, he added.

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