The Express Newspaper – July 10, 2014

The Express Newspaper – July 3, 2014

This Month in the Civil War – June, 1864 Cold Harbor to Petersburg- by S. McBride


The Union’s Army of the Potomac had suffered a terrible loss of men in May, 1864 in battles at The Wilderness and Spotsylvania Courthouse, but General Ulysses S. Grant was committed to bringing the bloody and costly War Between the States to an end before the year ended. The Confederates had suffered considerable losses as well.  Grant’s plan to prevent Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia from being reinforced as Grant moved his troops toward Richmond was to have diversions in other places. Union General Franz Sigel had fought forces under Confederate General John Breckinridge at New Market in the Shenandoah Valley in mid-May.  Greatly outnumbered, Breckinridge had called up cadets from the Virginia Military Institute, some of them boys as young as 15, and most of whom were killed or wounded.  But they defeated Sigel.

Read the entire article in the June 19th issue of the Express.


The Express Newspaper – June 19, 2014

Claeys & VonFricken Honored at MHS – by Sandy McBride


 Jesalyn Claeys and Leah Von Fricken were honored on Wednesday as the top honor graduates at Mechanicville high School for 2014.  Jesalyn, with a weighted average of 99.137 and a total of 31 college credits already earned, will be the valedictorian.  Leah, whose weighted average is 97.238 and who has earned 10 college credits, has been named salutatorian.

   High school principal Kevin Kolakowski welcomed the gathering, which included the girls’ parents and siblings along with administrators, teachers and friends, saying that “This is the fun part of what we do.  This day has been thirteen years in the making.”

   Dr. Michael McCarthy, Superintendent of Schools, told the girls’ parents, William and Mary Claeys and Ronald and Jacqueline Von Fricken, that their daughters have earned phenomenal averages, and that as parents, they should be very proud.


Read the entire article in the June 12th issue of the Express.

Dennis Latham Retires as Stillwater Police Chief – by Sandy McBride


On June 30, Dennis Latham will step down as Chief of Police of the Stillwater Police Department after 30 years in that position.  For Dennis, it will be a bittersweet moment.  It may be time to move on to the next stage of a busy and productive life, but leaving the department which he helped to found 38 years ago, and the fellow officers with whom he shares a mutual respect and sense of camaraderie after so many years of facing so many challenges, is not easy for him.


Read the entire article in the June 5th issue of the Express.

Mechanicville’s D.A.R.E. Race – by Sandy McBride


122 runners and two dozen walkers gathered last Wednesday to participate in the 25th annual DARE race and fun walk in downtown Mechanicville.  Kevin Connors of the Connors Agency, an original sponsor of the event, was pleased to announce that Joe Kelly had run the race for the 25th time, the only entrant to do all twenty-five.  Mr. Kelly is more than 80 years old, and Kevin says he knocked two full seconds off his 2013 time!  He was beaten in his age division by fellow octogenarian Richard Schumacher by less than a minute.  And trailing by not a lot was the winner of the 90 plus division, Virginia Donahue.


Read the entire article in the June 5th issue of the Express.

June 5th, 2014 Express Newspaper

Mechanicville Top Six Students – by S. McBride


MECHANICVILLE - Forty-four Mechanicville Junior/Senior High School students were honored for their academic achievements recently at the annual Top Six Awards Dinner held at the Mechanicville/Stillwater Elks Lodge.  Six students in each of grades 6 through 11 were named the highest academic achievers in their respective grades, while eight seniors, overlapping the Top 6 for all four years of high school, were honored.


Read the entire article in the May 29th issue of the Express.