Tag Archives: marchione
The Express Newspaper – July 3, 2014
The Express Newspaper – June 19, 2014
June 5th, 2014 Express Newspaper
The Express Newspaper – May 1, 2014
Marchione to Hold Community Forum – April 23
Senator Kathy Marchione to hold community forum on heroin and opioid addiction on Wednesday, April 23, from 9 a.m. to noon, at Hudson Valley Community College’s BulmerTelecommunications Center (BTC) Auditorium
Senator Kathy Marchione and Task Force Chair Senator Phil Boyle, representatives from local enforcement, addiction/treatment, educators and elected officials.
Joint Senate Task Force on Heroin and Opioid Addiction Community Forum (free light refreshments will be provided)
Wednesday, April 23, from 9 a.m. to noon
Hudson Valley Community College’s (HVCC) Bulmer Telecommunications Center (BTC) Auditorium, 80 Vandenburgh Ave, Troy, NY 12180
Heroin and opioid abuse is on the rise in New York State and across much of the northeastern United States, leading to a rise in drug overdoses and deaths
Senator Kathleen Marchione’s Legislative Resolution
Observing March 21, 2014 as “Down Syndrome Awareness Day” in New York State unanimously passes Senate
Senator Marchione’s resolution seeks to increase public awareness and understanding of Down syndrome
Senator Kathleen A. Marchione (R,C-Halfmoon) today spoke on the Senate floor in support of her Legislative Resolution observing March 21, 2014 as “Down Syndrome Awareness Day” in New York State. The bi-partisan resolution had unanimously passed the State Senate.
Senator Marchione’s resolution, J.3989, was co-sponsored by Senate Health Committee Chairman Senator Kemp Hannon and Senator Bill Larkin, and memorializes Governor Cuomo to proclaim March 21, 2014, as “Down Syndrome Awareness Day in New York State,” in conjunction with the observance of “World Down Syndrome Day.” Senator Marchione’s resolution seeks to increase public awareness and understanding of Down syndrome.
“Individuals with Down syndrome are some of the greatest people you will ever have the privilege of meeting. They possess a wide range of abilities, and are loving, generous, gifted souls. I am proud to have sponsored this resolution and am honored that so many of my colleagues joined me in making this a truly bi-partisan effort,” Senator Marchione said.
“At the Center for Disability Services we welcome individuals with disabilities including those with Down syndrome. All people, regardless of disability, are important members of our community and we honor the spirit of people who have Down syndrome and thank them for their many contributions. We appreciate and support this resolution introduced by Senator Marchione memorializing Governor Cuomo to proclaim March 21, 2014 as ‘Down Syndrome Awareness Day’ in New York State,” said Alan Krafchin, President & CEO at the Center for Disability Services.
Facts about Down syndrome:
An estimated six million people have Down syndrome worldwide;
One in every 691 babies born in the United States are afflicted with Down syndrome, making it the most common genetic disorder in the nation;
Approximately 400,000 Americans have Down syndrome; and
Nearly 6,000 babies are born with Down syndrome in the United States each year.
The Express Newspaper – February 20, 2014
The Express Newspaper – January 30th, 2014
Statement from NYS Senator Kathleen A. Marchione (R,C-Halfmoon)
on 12-year observance of September 11, 2001
“Today marks the twelfth year since the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 that resulted in the murder of nearly 3,000 of our fellow Americans. In the time since, America has fought two long wars and sent its best and brightest off to battle, many of whom have come home with the visible and invisible wounds of war. We need to make the care and comfort of all our wounded heroes a national, non-partisan priority at all levels of government. Let’s care for them the way they fought for us. While we are remembering the incredible heroism of our soldiers, we should also reflect on the bravery of our fallen firefighters, police and EMTs. Think about the unimaginable personal courage it took for them to enter the Twin Towers and rescue their fellow New Yorkers. Remember all of our first responders we lost that terrible day, along with the victims of the attacks, their families, and the men and women of our military who have made, and continue making, the ultimate sacrifice to keep us safe. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, please observe a moment of silence today to remember and honor their sacrifice and say a prayer for their families.”