Jasper is a Boxer/Hound mix about 3 years old who weighs 40 pounds. He is a fun loving high energy dog! Jasper loves to run around and play with other dogs, go for car rides, and meet new people. Because of his high energy it is best he is with older children. Jasper would do well with another dog and a fenced-in backyard. He would make a great addition to an active family.
Jasper is neutered, up to date on his shots, and microchipped.
For more info, please contact us @ 518-424-2878
Ringo is a 1 year old male terrier mix. He is good with older kids, dogs and is house trained. Ringo loves to play with HOPE dog Jasper, who lives at the same foster home. Ringo has a lot of puppy in him and will try to be bossy. Important to understand the terrier breed.
Ringo is neutered, up to date on his shots and will be microchipped.
Crowley is a gorgeous green eyed 1-year-old boy that was rescued as a kitten from a woodpile and a life of fending for himself outdoors. Crowley is very affectionate and loves attention but has not been adopted yet because he is a "scaredy-cat" ...waiting for a family patient enough to give him the time he needs to trust. He is great with his foster family and with many others that have taken the time to get to know him. Once Crowley gets to know you he's a really amazing guy that will be so grateful to have a forever home. Crowley is great with other cats and dogs. Are you willing to give this regal boy a chance?
Crowley is neutered, up to date on his shots and negative for FIV and Feline Leukemia.
For more info, please call 518.428.2994 For more adoptable pets, low cost spay/neuter info or to fill out an online adoption application, visit us @www.hopeanaimalrescue.org