Beneath Malta – by L. Peterson


 When I say Malta, I am not talking about the island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea which our town may or may not be named after. With places like Troy and Athens in the area, it would seem that the history behind our namesake would be similar. But in fact, local myth suggests that we are named after a malt brewery that was near the place where Maltaville first sprang up.


Read the entire article in the May 29th issue of the Express.

The Express Newspaper – May 29, 2014

The Express Newspaper – May 8, 2014

Malta Presbyterian Church – by Sandy McBride

When you drive up Route 9 from Clifton Park to Saratoga Springs these days, you can’t miss Malta.  Impressive new buildings crowd the sides of the highways, a plethora of round-abouts keep your attention focused on your driving.  There are huge hotels, shopping areas, office buildings, restaurants, service stations, a Rescue Squad facility and even a medical center that has sprung up in the middle of an open field along the Northway where horses grazed not so many years ago. Seems like everything is new in Malta.  Growth and bustle and change.

It was very different 169 years ago.

Read the entire article in the April 17 issue of the Express.

The Express Newspaper – April 17, 2014

Town of Malta Town Board Meeting Change


Please note the Monday, May 26, 2014 Malta Town Board Agenda meeting has been changed toWednesday, May 28, 2014 at 6:30pm, due to the Memorial Day holiday.

This meeting is open to the public and will be held in the Malta Town Hall, 2540 Route 9.