The Express Newspaper – September 4, 2014

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The Express Newspaper – August 28, 2014

The Express Newspaper – August 7, 2014

Stillwater Book Talk – By J. Dugan


STILLWATER - On the first Monday of each month, patrons of the Stillwater Free Library gather to dish about their latest reads, favorite authors and about life in general. This free drop in group welcomes new members with open arms and provides a great chance to socialize and “talk shop” with other book lovers. The next meeting of the group will take place at 1pm on Monday, August 4.


Read the entire article in the Aug. 31st issue of the Express.

The Express Newspaper – July 31, 2014

Health & Safety Day at Waterford Farmers Market – by J. Dugan


Health and Safety is the theme at this week’s Waterford Harbor Farmers Market, taking place on Sunday July 27. In addition to usual market fare, the day will also feature free car seat safety checks courtesy of the Waterford Police Department, as well as a visit from the Cornell Cooperative Extension.

Market Manager at The Waterford Harbor Farmers Market Mary Stalker says that there is a lot in store for all who attend. “We will have car seat checks with the Waterford Police, blood pressure checks, some activities for the kids, and Cornell Cooperative Extension will be at the market with healthy recipes and samples,” she said.


Read the entire article in the July 24 issue.

The Express Newspaper – July 24, 2014

The Express Newspaper – July 10, 2014