Why Did We Do The Ice Bucket Challenge? – by S. McBride

The Ice Bucket Challenge.  Who in this country hasn’t heard of it, participated in it, rejoiced in it, derided it or declined it?  This craze that dominated electronic media and spiraled all over the country in the past several months is a good thing.   I know that after a while, people began to get weary of seeing everybody and his brother, mother, father, sister, kids and grandkids, celebrities and sports stars pouring buckets of ice water over their heads, all in the name of raising money for research to find a cure for ALS, but don’t knock it until you fully understand what it’s all about.

Read the entire article in the Sept. 18th issue of the Express.

The Express Newspaper – September 4, 2014

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Rachel’s Challenge- How To Be A Better Person – by Sandy McBride

“I have this theory that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion, then it will start a chain reaction of the same.”

These words were written by 18 year old Rachel Joy Scott in 1999.

Today’s high school kids are too  young to remember the feeling of horror and helplessness that gripped our nation on April 20 of that year when the news broke that two teen-age gunmen had gone on a shooting rampage at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado.  Twelve students and one teacher died in that attack.

Read the entire article in the May 1st issue of the Express.

MACSC Continues Food Drive Challenge


MECHANICVILLE - MACSC (Mechanicville Area Community Service Center) has now passed the halfway mark to raise funds for fighting hunger. It has accepted the March-April 'Feinstein Challenge'   which will end on April 30, 2014.  The A.S. Feinstein Foundation is making $1,000,000 available. This amount will be awarded proportionately to not-for-profit agencies, which increase donations for fighting food hunger. Donations include:  food, checks, cash and pledges. If MACSC's donations show an increase our food pantry could receive an award up to $35,000.  Today, there is a growing food crisis going on in many parts of our country. And the Mechanicville area is no different.  Many people are on limited income and are at risk of going hungry.  This may be because of job loss, working fewer hours, medical expense; rental hikes, heating costs and other vital expenses.  We also have a large number of residents who were regular donors to our food pantry and now need help. If you plan to donate to this drive, which is honoring Margaret Mehan, you should DO IT NOW. Checks should be made payable to: MACSC and mailed to: Holly LaTorre, MACSC. 6 South Main St, P.O. Box 30, Mechanicville, NY 12118. Your donation offers a double benefit. It will help keep Margaret Mehan's giving spirit alive as well as helping to fight hunger in the Mechanicville area.