Tag Archives: project
Momentive Makeover at MACSC – by T. Mahoney
MECHANICVILLE OCTOBER 10- Eighty Momentive Performance employees were at the Community Center to put finishing touches on their volunteer work . This day was called " The Day of Caring." Every year Momentive, located in Waterford, looks for a project where it can make a difference. Twenty projects were submitted to Momentive. Because of the diversity of work to be done and the fact that many employees live in Mechanicville, the Community Center was chosen.In July Momentive made the decision to do a "Home Makeover " type operation at the Community Center.
Read the entire article in the October 16th editon of the Express.
Mechanicville Bridge Project – by H. Wessell
BALLSTON SPA, April 8– Saratoga County Public Works Commissioner Keith Manz, appearing before the County Public Works Committee, explained that the last hurdle remaining has been surmounted, and the County can accept federal and state funding for the US 4 bridge over the Anthony Kill, on North Central Avenue.
The $3.3 million project (its costs escalated due to issues of old industrial soil pollution) will be funded 80 percent by federal money, 15 percent from the state; and the local share, 5 percent local. It will start in about a month, and be finished in late fall, he expected. Sidewalk and drainage improvements will be included.
He explained that action was now possible, because the County had finally gotten over the hurdle of just one remaining easement request. That, he stressed is important because there "are a number of other bridges in and around the City of Mechanicville."
Read the entire article in the April 17th issue of the Express.