Arms Fair at Manchester Center, Vermont 05255

Arms Fair at Manchester Center, Vermont 05255

Riley Rink, 410 Hunter Park Road

       Saturday, April 9 and Sunday April 10, 2016

    For Immediate Release for Local News and Events Calendar

Press and cameras are invited for our Friday evening Preview from 4:00 to 8:00 PM or throughout the show Saturday only.

Hi, I’m David Petronis, President of NEACA, Inc., and I would like to inform you that our New Eastcoast Arms Collectors Associates and NEACA Arms Fair will be in the Riley Rink at Hunter Park in Manchester Center, Vermont this Saturday and Sunday, April 9 & 10.  Last September we were invited by the new director at the Rink in Hunter Park to stage our very first Arms Fair there. The Rink is situated just a mile north of the Route 30 and Historic Route 7A traffic circle intersection in the center of town.  This will be our second event at Riley Rink and we were quite pleased with our first show there.  However, we still need to find additional exhibitors so we can fill the 275 table capacity of this fine venue.  We still have space left and do invite all exhibitors who are in the outdoors sporting industry or hunting, shooting, trapping or fishing sports to come and display at our Second NEACA Arms Fair & Sportsman’s Expo.  We will continue with two more during 2016.

We also invite outdoor photographers, artists, duck carvers, Adirondack lore makers, fly rod builders and dealers in vintage Americana or sporting goods.  And, of course, this is an Arms Fair, where all sorts of militaria, edged weapons, or antique and modern firearms, ammunition and accessories can be found.  With Revolutionary War and Civil War artifacts, swords and guns on hand plus collector and investment firearms to be seen this will be a walk thru history but also where you can not only view items but perhaps buy and take home a piece of history.  From research books to antique traps to a wall hanger gun for over your fireplace our Arms Fair is the place to find that certain piece you may have been searching for.

And our exhibitors and dealers not only wish to sell their items but also need to replace their inventory with things you may wish to bring in to our show.  Plus our collectors may want to purchase your collection; one piece or the whole amount.  Arms Fairs are a great way for the public to buy, sell or trade with our dealers and collectors.  We may not fill all of our proposed table capacity but this will probably still be the largest Arms Fair in the State of Vermont since NEACA promoted some at the Green Mountain Racetrack in Pownal nearly two decades ago.  We have others planned at the Riley Rink for July 16, 17 and October 8, 9, 2016 where we hope to build this event to full capacity with fine exhibitors from throughout the northeast. To download our flier from the web go to  HYPERLINK "" .

NEACA has been conducting Antique Shows and Arms Fairs throughout the northeast since 1982 and this past March was our 102nd Arms Fair produced with 250 tables at the Saratoga Springs City Center in NY State which is straight west of our new Manchester Center Arms Fair location. We can only hope our new event will be as successful as we are in Saratoga.

Doors are open for the public to browse at 9am to 5pm on Saturday and 9am to 3pm on Sunday.  Admission is $8.00, Seniors over 60 is only $7.00 and Children under 14 are Free with an adult.  NEACA Membership info can be found on our  HYPERLINK "" website at $50.00 for 12 months with $45.00 renewal.  NEACA Members get Free entry to all of our shows plus get in early as well as discounted table space rental.  See our Gun Show page or call NEACA in Mechanicville, NY at 518-664-9743.

Thanks, David Petronis, NEACA President

38 North Main Street, Mechanicville, NY 12118  

To Family … what is happening in our lives ….

To all of our Friends, Exhibitors, Members; February 2, 2016.

Cathy and I wanted to keep all of you in the loop about what we are doing and what is happening.  Below is our original note about Saratoga, upcoming NEACA Shows and the Lake George Gun Show at the Forum.

First, and foremost (as explained in Saratoga), Cathy has been diagnosed with uterine cancer; a common and very curable stage.  However, one never knows anything for sure until more tests and even then until a hysterectomy operation is started. We have the best doctor in this field in the Capital District area; saw him today and we feel very sure Cathy is getting the best of care.  A Canadian and possible Libertarian but we won’t hold that against him; fourteen thousand and counting operations under his belt.  Our complete array of medical people from scheduling staff to nurses to the doctors we know and trust have pushed us thru the process with care, ease and timeliness.  This thoughtful commitment from them all is extremely well appreciated by us and we thank them for making this scary process bearable.  We are both at ease with the coming operation.  As of now, if all goes according to plan, scheduled for February 17th.

We also thank all of you who have offered us help, prayers and concern.  However, what you also might like to do is make our lives a little less stressful by sending in your applications early and committing to our next few shows on the schedule as we outlined below.  Many have already done so … thank you!  This operation will be just before our Albany show at the Polish Community Center on February 20, 21.  We need to fill this show up real soon.  Cathy will work on advertising and mailing postcards in between the myriad of doctors visits and tests but will probably not make the show itself.  Several weeks of recuperation will then bring us to our Saratoga Show in March; everything comes up real quick in this business.  We are still actively seeking help with the shows and even at the shop.  We are working as all will be OK for our future; all we can do.

I asked this below in our note;

“The one very important item in this note is that we need to know who will be exhibiting at our spring Gun Show at ;

The Forum in Lake George, NY this June *17, 18, 19. 

We need to know TODAY.  Call us at 518-664-9743 or e-mail now. I already know who told us at Saratoga as to whether you were coming.”

Well, we didn’t get more than a minimal dealer commitment for this show at the Forum so we have cancelled all of the 2016 shows at that location.  It is expensive to do and we are actually still paying for the last one with our damaged truck and a very expensive, and foolish error on my part, repair to our new Chrysler van.  All of our other shows are tried and true with the exception of our new venture in Manchester Center, Vermont.  We have one show under our belt and three news ones coming up this year.  WE NEED early table sales for this soon to be, best show in southern Vermont this April *8, 9, 10. … I am not going to take anything away from the long running Barre, Vermont show that has been a tradition in the north for years.  But come and see us in the south!

As I said, Saratoga this past weekend was great … so it will be on March *18, 19, 20 at our next event … our 102nd Gun Show at the City Center. Show us that you know … at any time … Saratoga is the place to be!

Thank you all .. and please pass the word about our NEACA gun shows and join us as a NEACA Member today.  New Eastcoast Arms Collectors Associates @

Cathy and Dave.

I think my head is about to explode!

A Report From the Gun Seller … January 5, 2016

I think my head is about to explode!

I believe Obama has an obsession with trying to impose his will on things which I and a lot of other Americans simply consider wrong.  Obama Care, Iran Nuclear Deal, Climate Change, Closing Guantanamo, now, again, Gun Control, He tries to bypass Congress with these impositions by the use of executive privilege.  And yes, other Presidents have used these executive orders before but not as he has.  I think he may be under a dilution that he is either King or a dictator.  Perhaps next he will go to Cuba for consultations with Castro for tips on how to act like one.  First tip, “take away their guns!”

These early revelations today on what Obama and his Attorney General had consultations about are what is giving me this headache.  At first I thought they would be trying to use “business laws” to curtail any gun sales by private sellers such as has been the case with our own Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman. These new proposed regulations were to rid us of the “Gun Show Loophole.”   As President of NEACA, Inc. we worked closely with the NYS AG and his office to form new “reasonable Gun Show regulations” for all show promoters to encompass across New York State.  Working with the AG, as a gun show advocate and licensed Federal Firearms Dealer, I believed was far better to try to get the best outcome for gun enthusiasts than to simply fight a fairly forgone conclusion of new mandatory regulations.  Now, in NYS, we have a model for how Gun Shows should operate in all states, according to the NY Administration.  The model is probably what Obama wants but the way we achieved it here is not the same as what he is proposing.

The National Rifle Association is calling Obama’s approach to new gun control as a “political stunt.”  In2013, the NRA said, “that a universal background check system for gun buyers is both impracticable and unnecessary, but an effective instant check system that includes records of persons adjudicated mentally ill would prevent potentially dangerous people from getting their hands on firearms.”  I believe that something like a credit card or health insurance card could be established to allow National purchases of firearms for any previously background cleared citizen; thus eliminating mentally ill people from obtaining guns while giving the opportunity to all Americans of their full Second Amendment rights.  Why don’t we go down that road instead of this idiotic journey to nowhere that will do nothing to prevent criminals or terrorists from getting guns?  Criminals steal guns or buy them from other criminals; Obama wants to make Americans who are now legally able to sell their personal firearms into criminals!

He wants to make all gun sellers Federal Dealers!  By sellers he means anyone who sells more than two guns a year.  Thus making those sellers, YOU, the American public, accountable to all of the federal rules and regulations now imposed an current legitimate FFL holders.  The numbers of Federal Firearm Licensed dealers were earnestly thinned out in the past decade because the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms believed there were far too many; thinned to about one third of what they were ten years ago.  The idea was to get rid of “kitchen table dealers” who only used the Federal License to buy wholesale guns for themselves and their friends.  The legitimate dealers then applauded the action as did the BATF so they didn’t have to inspect and regulate so many FFL holders.  Now Obama wants to return to yesteryear to again fuel his obsession for gun control.

As a US Citizen who has a right to keep and bear arms, as the Second Amendment to the US Constitution and basically all States’ Constitutions guarantee, you will also be under the same laws and rules of all FFL dealers if you sell two of your guns in the next year.  Laws that give the Federal Government and ANY State authority the right to search your premises.  The regulation that mandates YOU to perform a Federal background check.  A law that requires YOU to keep a bound book of records of ALL of your guns.  And, no doubt, a business license, a sales tax license and zoning regulation enforcement.  Violate any of these and you could face a mandatory ten year felony jail sentence.

However, these are all “Reasonable Gun Laws” that “most Americans, even gun owners want!”

… But wait, there is more to come.  Excuse me!  …. My head just exploded!

David Petronis, President


New Eastcoast Arms Collectors Associates

New Eastcoast Arms Collectors Associates 38 North Main Street; PO Box 385 Mechanicville, NY 12118 ~ 518-664-9743


December 7, 2015

Members and Exhibitors,

“December 7, 1941 a date that will live in infamy” …. Today is the 74th anniversary of the American start of World War II. A day of terror in Hawaii and the beginning of the end of innocence for the generation born after the war to end all wars. After a world conflict which spawned colossal battles, which saw the development of immense new technology and when mankind was urged to never again repeat that horrible process … war and terror seem to always stay with us.

From Korea to West Berlin an enemy of freemen always appeared. The twin towers tragedy gave way to a European Union Paris attack and now another, back in America, with married Muslims in San Bernardino, CA. And with terrorists still on our doorstep, Obama and the rest of the liberal democrats scream that the answer to terror is more gun control and more political correctness so we don’t offend Islam. We are witnessing American leadership go crazy!

We can only hope, and dare I say pray, our children will become a second greatest generation; one that can mirror those of yesterday … the future of America as we know it may depend on what we instilled in those young minds. What a difficult legacy we leave to our kids to figure out.

On “Black Friday” there was a record breaking number of NICS background checks, over 185,000, of folks who wanted to buy a gun; and that was five days prior to the second largest terror attack by Muslim extremists in these United States! No wonder Judge Jeanine called for everyone to “buy a gun … and learn how to use it!” Our gun business should flourish in the coming weeks and Santa may even be seen “carrying”!

Now the liberals want to use the no-fly list as a guide for background checks. Guess what; the terrorists who killed Americans both then and now flew here! Buy a one-way ticket and you will be put on that watch list. And the gun show loophole – not in New York of course – is known as the Second Amendment to our US Constitution. Americans can legally buy and sell guns among themselves – except in about a dozen liberal states, which includes NY. If you want to sell your gun – except here in New York – you can do it. That is the US Supreme Court “Gun Show Loophole.”

A new year is coming – 2016 – and it is going to be extremely important in our history and we hope NEACA will also have a banner year. We have a great line-up of shows which begins with our 101st show in Saratoga at the end of January on the 30th & 31st. The flyer is enclosed and I want you to note that the cost of admission went up $1.00 and tables by $3.00. The expenses just keep rising and we finally had to respond.

I hope this Christmas season is good for all of you and that we can look forward to a robust and profitable year. I know the last one has been harsh on us all; except if you are a liberal because then the world is painted as a rose and life is a fantasy playtime. However, reality may have just hit home in Washington and liberal cities across the land. Head my own opening salvo on the NEACA website; “Stay Conservative and buy a gun!” The Judge agrees.

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year.

Cathy and Dave    Petronis

Fourth Of July Things to do With and For Your Kids – by David Petronis

To All of My Friends and Colleagues I would like to share How I feel about America ….

         … and Why we Celebrate The Fourth. 

In a few days the Fourth of July will be here and we should Celebrate !!

We should Celebrate our Heroes, our Country and our American Heritage.

Especially Celebrate Those Who Have Given Us Our Freedom because …  Freedom Isn’t Free … and Let YOUR Voice be Heard.

Especially Heard By Our Children Who May Not Yet KNOW what it Truly IS to Be An American.

Let THEM Hear and See the Sounds and Images of who WE Are and by What Name We Go BY …   My Name is America

Happy Fourth Of July …

From NEACA.  

A brand new listing of all our NEACA Arms Fairs will be available on our website within a week with many new dates and venues for the remainder of 2015 and a full schedule for 2016.  We are still looking for interested parties in our Gun Show promotion business.





Saratoga Gun Show Attracts Attorney General

By Michael Bielawski

SARATOGA – One of the hottest debates these days without question is the gun debate.  And New York State is at the center of this debate especially since the passage of the Safe Act.  In a nutshell, the Safe Act limits rounds that may legally be loaded in a firearm at any one time (to seven rounds), among other provisions about sales and background checks.
At this gun show, largely to ensure the Safe Act was followed, was New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman.  Some assumed the appearance might be awkward or even confrontational.  As it turns out, “The Attorney General was quite pleased with the way we run our shows” said David Petronis, the gun show operator.  He wasn’t there long, but he visited all the tables and embraced an atmosphere that was likely very different from his liberal base.

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