Author Archives: Express Weekly
Donkey Basketball
Classifieds April 9th, 2015
Stillwater’s Cordani’s Goals – by H. Wessell
TOWN OF STILLWATER, March 31 – In a conversation with the Express looking back on his months as Police Commissioner for Stillwater, Sergeant Raymond Cordani was glad to say the police department is up to full complement of fourteen members, and he has realized his major goals, especially in the area of ongoing training.
Read the entire article in the April 9th edition.
Connors Agency’s 60th Anniversary
MECHANICVILLE- On April 15th, the Connors Agency will celebrate its 60th anniversary. John H. Connors built the agency from scratch in 1955 with the focus to provide quality insurance products & services in local communities along with public service. Over the years Mr. Connors has played a variety of roles in the world of insurance and real estate. In addition Mr. Connors served as Mayor of the city of Mechanicville from 1960 to 1968 and was elected President of the NYS Conference of Mayors during his second term.
Read the entire article in the April 9th edition.
Jack Byrne and MACSC Honored by Chamber – by P. Bardunias
It sure seemed to be Mechanicville’s night at the Chamber of Southern Saratoga County’s (CSSC’s) “Chamber of the Year” Awards Dinner this past March 26. Of the seven awards given, Mechanicville factored heavily by winning four of them and having one runner up.
Read the entire article in the April 9th edition.
Mechanicville’s Firemen Who Went to War – by S. McBride
Whenever someone shares a book or booklet with me from years ago, a hidden treasure they’ve found among their family’s possessions, I am delighted. So it was when Scott Smith recently dropped off at the Express office a booklet from the 58th Annual Convention of the Hudson Valley Volunteer Firemen’s Association which was held here in Mechanicville on June 26, 27 and 28 in 1947. But this booklet has even more meaning, more poignancy, than the usual commemorative publication.
Read the entire article in the April 9th edition.
Nelson Takes Oath as Mayor – by T. Mahoney
STILLWATER APRIL 4- Rick Nelson took the oath of office as Mayor of the Village of Stillwater at 4 PM Saturday inside the filled to capacity blockhouse. Village Clerk Sher Tedesco administered the oath.
Read the entire article in the April 9th edition.
Stillwater School Budget
Stillwater CSD Voters to Consider $23.7 Million Budget on May 19
STILLWATER - On May 19, Stillwater Central School District residents will vote on a proposed $23,712,421 budget for the 2015-16 school year. The board of education unanimously adopted the budget proposal at its meeting on Thursday, April 2, just one day after the final state budget was approved.
Read the entire article in the April 9th edition.
UMC Cantata – by S. McBride
Palm Sunday is the traditional kickoff of Holy Week, arguably the most important week of the year for Christians. There can be no better way to celebrate Palm Sunday, and thereby take in the spiritual meaning of Holy Week, than to immerse yourself in a stirring tale of the events of that week through readings and music in the setting of a soaring church with the late afternoon sun streaming through colorful stained glass windows.
Read the entire article in the April 9th edition.