Statement from New York State Senator Kathy Marchione (R,C,I-Halfmoon) Chair of the Senate’s Local Government Committee:

“This morning I called Senator Dean Skelos to let him know that I would be calling on him to step down as Leader of our Conference. I felt that he needed to hear it from me, first. I came to this decision after a great deal of prayer, reflection and deliberation. This has not been an easy decision but it was necessary. I believe in the presumption of innocence. In our nation, you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. After witnessing how my friend Joe Bruno was put through a legal meat grinder – and the enormous personal, financial toll it caused him and his family, and how he was ultimately vindicated – it did give me pause. I feel strongly that everyone is entitled to the presumption of innocence and should not be tried in the media. However, my calling for Senator Skelos to step down was necessary because it had become clear that he cannot effectively lead our Conference. This is the people’s government, it’s important that we get back to the people’s business. That includes repealing all or parts of the unconstitutional SAFE Act, taking real steps to improve our economy, especially upstate, cutting government red tape and fixing the teacher evaluation process. Today is the National Day of Prayer and I ask individuals to please join me in praying for our leaders, our elected officials and, most important, praying for New York State.”

MACSC Summer Adventure Program registration set for Tuesday, May 12, 6:00-8:00pm at Community Center


MECHANICVILLE - Registration for the exciting 2015 MACSC Summer Adventure Program will take place at the Community Center (6 South Main Street, Mechanicville, 664-8322) from 6:00 to 8:00pm on Tuesday, May 12. The Summer Adventure Program gets underway on Tuesday, July 7, at MACSC.

The Summer Adventure Program is held Tuesdays through Fridays for six weeks, and provides activities for children and youth between the ages of six and 13. This year’s program you will be able to purchase your child’s Summer Adventure T-shirt for $10 and additional T-shirts are $10.00, signups for t-shirts are only available only on Registration Night.   Please feel free to bring your registration form filled out along with health records to save you time. The registration form can be found on our website

In addition, some of the activities require bus transportation/admission fees that are billed separately. Spots for trips are not reserved until payment is received by the Among this summer’s activities are roller skating and dancing at Guptill’s Arena, games and fun at the Saratoga Strike Zone, the Tree Paad, and the Great Escape; swimming at the Peerless Pool, Grafton Lakes State Park, and Moreau Lake State Park. For additional information, please call Holly Martin at 664 8322 ext. 307.

Alonzo’s Fireworks Company Sold

STILLWATER MAY 4­ Jeff Alonzo announced that after being in business for 45 years Alonzo fireworks has been sold. Santore's Fireworks purchased the company, in an announcement made today, Jeff said this was a decision based on a number of factors. Jeff is a full time firefighter; Jeff's mother, Joanne, is more than ready for retirement; regulations and price increases make operating a smaller business increasingly difficult.

 Read more in the upcoming issue of the Express.

Last Month in the Civil War/ Two Journeys – by S. McBride

2nd half:

On April 20, George Atzerodt, who had failed in his mission to assassinate Vice President Andrew Johnson, was arrested.

  Having hidden in the pine thicket in Maryland for several days as Federal troops scoured the area looking for them, Booth and Herold were desperate, hungry and cold, and Booth was in pain.  Cox arranged for Thomas Jones, a die-hard Confederate sympathizer, to get them across the Potomac to safety in Virginia.

Read the entire article in the May 7th issue.

All Saints on the Hudson Basketball Benefit – by S. McBride

“Start Your Engines for a Cure!”

This was the theme of the 7th annual All Saints on the Hudson Youth Council Benefit Basketball Game held last week at the Mechanicville High School gym.  With a fanciful design of a tugboat and a race car on white T-shirts and royal blue T-shirts, the theme honored Tim Pisculli of Mechanicville, a tugboat captain, and Karen Schultz of Stillwater, a NASCAR racing fan, who have both passed away recently after courageously battling cancer.

Read the entire article in the May 7th issue.

PISCULLI & SCHULTZ youth council and families

Nepal Earthquake Reaches Home – by C. Barton

On April 25th a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal resulting in a disaster that had effects of far reaching devastation. According to reports, the earthquake triggered an avalanche on Mount Everest, then triggered another avalanche in Lantang Valley. This is the most powerful disaster to strike in Nepal since the 1930’s and saw aftermath that stretched far beyond South Asia. The earthquake in total killed approximately 7,000 people and injured more than 14,000. These numbers climb as recovery efforts continue. Nepal has been thought for decades as being vulnerable to the natural disaster of an earthquake.

Read the entire article in the May 7th issue.

The Express Newspaper – May 7, 2015