Introducing Round Lake – by Lauren Peterson

For those of you who have never made it to the beautiful village of Oak Bluffs on Martha’s Vineyard, consider visiting Round Lake, NY instead. The village of roughly 600 residents has been around since the first cottages were erected in 1869. Today its small and winding streets are lined with Victorian houses dripping with gingerbread ornamentation in all hues.

The original exterior Victorian house color schemes of this era consisted of tans, pale oranges, whites and light blues, but you can find residences painted in all colors of the rainbow today. Among those currently standing there is a bubble gum pink house, several in yellow, many in bold shades of blue and more. One house on the western edge of the village has nine different colors decorating its molding. Along with the sometimes extensive gingerbread, various residences boast conical turrets as well, and one house is even octagonal in shape.

The entire articles is in the 02-06 issue of the Express.

Andersonville Part II – by Sandy McBride

By midsummer of 1864, the Confederate prison at Andersonville, Georgia, which had begun accepting inmates in February, had become a hellhole.  In August, the population of the prison, which was originally intended to house 10,000 prisoners, swelled to 33,000. The men were housed in tents, holes in the ground or rude huts.  They were poorly fed and had no sanitary facilities.  With the influx of new prisoners daily, the situation was becoming unbearable. Men were dying at the rate of 100 per day.


The entire article is in the 02-06 issue of the Express.

Damages of Our Vacant Assembly Seat-by Harold Wessell

MECHANICVILLE AND STILLWATER, February 5 - Both communities' County Supervisors have expressed concern over the delay by Governor Cuomo in making any kind of decision about replacement of their communities' state assemblyman. Tony Jordan, who was the Assemblyman, was elected as Washington County District Attorney this past November.The holder of the local legislature seat has always been of great help to those communities.

And they could use a lot right now.

Full article is in the 02-06 issue of the Express.