Brown’s Beach Still Needs Volunteers – by H. Wessell


TOWN  OF STILLWATER, May 5: Road work and  restoration continue in earnest at Brown's Beach town park. "I'm here right now," said Town Supervisor  Edward Kinowski to the Express Monday afternoon;  "and we've got truck after truck pulling in with loads of stone -- for more roadway;  and they're really going strong. Dewatering is a big thing underway, and getting to the upper building so I can  start to prepare that for Menetto"  [PowerSports, new marina operator].

   He explained that the deck of the main building, due to the way it was attached to the building, has been affected by water, frost heaves, age and lack of care, so that "we're going to restore that area to a better condition ñ by making it new."


Read the entire article in the May 8th issue of the Express.


Brown’s Beach Lease Signing – by Harold Wessell

TOWN OF STILLWATER, April 17th Town Board granted Supervisor Edward Kinowski to sign up the future operators of Brown's Beach when details of their joint lease are completed, which is expected shortly.

Also this week, see below, the Town Board will hold a special meeting Thursday night on several Capital Projects

The Board at its regular meeting of April 17 adopted a resolution authorizing the Supervisor to sign the pending license, lease and management agreement with Panza's Restaurant and Menneto Powersports regarding Brown's Beach, who have proposals   to operate the restaurant and hospitality facilities and the marina, respectively.

Read the entire article in the April 24th issue of the Express.