Article on page 4 of the 02-16 Express.
Tag Archives: years
Junior Dante Club Celebrates 75 Years – by Sandy McBride
When you get the ladies of Mechanicville’s Junior Dante Club together, there is always laughter, teasing, bantering, remembering, sharing and planning. And last week’s 75th anniversary celebration at Panza’s Restaurant on Saratoga Lake was no exception. With 44 of the group’s current 49 members present, President Pam Sgambati welcomed the members and special guest Sandy McBride. Pam distributed to all the members a dainty carnation pin, representing the group’s official flower, the white carnation, to be worn with their traditional Junior Dante club pins.
Article and photos on page 3 of the 10/27 Express.
Caseyland – 100 Years of Farming – by C. Barton
Article on page 16 of the 08/11 issue.
Johnsonville Fire Dept Celebrates 100 Years – C. Barton
Article on page 15 of the 07/21 issue.
July 4th 1915 – by Chris Kelly
As we celebrate summer, and the 4th of July, I thought it would be fun to find out how our ancestors celebrated the holiday 100 years ago. As you might think, it was the same and different.
One-hundred years ago, Europe was embroiled in what was later known as World War I. But the U.S. wouldn’t enter the war for two more years, Europe was a long ways away, and citizens here were ready to celebrate the birth of their nation. The celebration was a little different from the usual because the 4th was a Sunday, and in 1915 no celebration could really occur on a Sunday.
Read the entire article in the July 2nd edition.
Waterford Locks at 100 Years – by H. Wessell
WATERFORD, May 15 '- Waterford Deputy Mayor Russ VanDervoort declared, "One hundred years ago today, at this hour at this very minute of 10:27 AM," Governor Charles Whitman, State Engineer Frank Williams and other officials boarded a tug to travel for the first time through the locks of the new Waterford Flight of Locks on the Erie Canal. Both his grandfather and great grandfather, he noted, were participants in the 1915 ceremony. "My book is based on my great-grandparents."
Read the entire article in the May 21st edition.wat