The Mechanicville Housing Authority of the City of Mechanicville, New York (MHA) is amending its Annual and/or Five Year PHA plan. The MHA has received a Commitment to Enter into a Housing Assistance Payments (CHAP) from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the conversion of public housing units at John S. Moore Homes and Davenport Estates to Project Based Voucher Rental Assistance (PBRA) under the Rental Assistance Demonstration Program (RAD) in accordance with the guidelines of PIH Notice 2012-32, Rev 2 and any successor notices. Conversion under RAD is considered a Significant Deviation and Significant Amendment or Modification to the MHA Annual and /or Five Year Plan.

This is an advance notice with an opportunity to present public comments regarding this change.

The draft of the proposed Significant Amendment is available for review Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the John S. Moore Homes Administrative Office building located at 2 Harris Avenue, Suite 1, Mechanicville, New York 12118.

Comments must be made in writing and presented to the MHA at the above address no later than Friday, August 11, 2017 9:00 a.m.

A public hearing will be conducted on Friday, August 11, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. in the John S. Moore Homes Community Room located at the above address.

The Express Newspaper – June 6, 2017

Stillwater Route 4 Zoning Hearing

Stillwater Zoning Public Visioning Session



There are some exciting changes in store for Route 4 and beyond...come learn how you can be a part of them!

The Town and Village of Stillwater are working together to collaboratively develop new zoning code changes and design standards.

The goal of this project is to create a seamless zoning code and design standards that provide regulatory consistency along the Route 4 corridor, promote walkable mixed-use development, protect and preserve rural and historical areas north of the Village and near the Saratoga National Historical Park, and enhance and support economic development and revitalization efforts along the Route 4 corridor.












Malta Hears Proposal for Tech Campus – by H. Wessell

MALTA,  March 2 -- A Public Hearing before  the Malta Town Board on March 2 proposed  Planned Development District (PDD) amendments for Luther Forest Technology Campus   enabling it to obtain local and Saratoga County property  tax incentives, as well as any available state tax incentive programs, if the financially troubled park is to attract other high-tech industries.

Entire article in the March 12th issue.

Hoosic Valley Ambulance Dist. Exteneded – By C. Barton

Town of Schaghticoke- On October 8th a public hearing was held by the Town of Schaghticoke offering all interested persons on behalf of, or in opposition to, a proposition to extend the boundaries of the Hoosic Valley Ambulance District to include all of the Town of Schaghticoke. Following the public hearing a motion was made to table the resolution at that time.

Read the entire article in the Nov. 27th issue of the Express.

Town of Stillwater Budget Summarized – By Harold Wessell

TOWN OF STILLWATER, November 6 - A public hearing available on the 2015 Stillwater Town Budget drew few residents.The $7,427,254 spending plan has been available through the Town Clerk. It is scheduled for an\
adoption vote on November 20.

Read the entire article in the Nov. 13 issue of the Express

Hoosic Valley: Zero Increase in School Tax Levy – by C. Barton


Hoosic Valley-The Board of Education unanimously approved the proposed 2014-15 budget in an April meeting. Mr. Terry Blanchfield, Interim Business Administrator presented an overview of the budget and highlights in a public hearing on May 6th 2014. The formal adoption of the budget will now await the outcome of the vote by taxpayers on May 20th.


Read the entire article in the May 15th issue of the Express.