Spencer is a 2-year old neutered male Scottie/Border Collie mix who weighs 28lbs. He is a stray from Warren County who is a sweet boy once he gets to know you! Spencer loves to ride in the car, is good with dogs and is housebroken. His foster has found out that he will jump in your lap and fall asleep. Every day we are learning more about Spencer and he is showing us what a good dog he can be!
Spencer is neutered, up to date on his shots, and microchipped.
For more information, please call us @ 518-424-2878
Gabby is a black and white female, almost 2 yrs. old. She's a sweet, independent & calm little lady. Gabby enjoys hiding in boxes, surprising her friends as they walk by and having you throw a ball that she can chase. At night she insists on snuggling right up next to you and you will wake up having her stare at you until you get up and give her a treat. Gabby gets along with other cats and still plays with her dog friends..
Gabby is spayed and up to date on her shots.
For more information, please contact #518.428.2994
Ellie has been with HOPE for about one year — last fall she came in with her two kittens Fiona and Crowley (now already 1 year old themselves). Ellie needed some time to get used to living with people but is now ready for adoption. She is very shy but friendly once you get to know her....interactive playtime and food is the quickest way to her heart. Ellie is hoping for a quieter home where she can interact with adults in a gentle and easygoing environment. If you are looking for quiet cat that likes to lounge about near you and keep you company but doesn't need a fuss made over her then Ellie might be just the cat for you. She does like a bit of interactive play each day. Ellie will need some patience at first while she gets used to her new family but will make a really great pet for the right home.
Ellie is spayed, up to date on her shots and negative for FIV and Feline Leukemia.
For more information on these pets and others, please call H.O.P.E. @ 518.428.2994 or, to fill out an Online Adoption Application, visit www.hopeanimalrescue.org
"Let Them Know There Is H.O.P.E"