Town of Malta Town Board Meeting Change


Please note the Monday, May 26, 2014 Malta Town Board Agenda meeting has been changed toWednesday, May 28, 2014 at 6:30pm, due to the Memorial Day holiday.

This meeting is open to the public and will be held in the Malta Town Hall, 2540 Route 9.


Malta Town Board’s Anticipated Agenda – by Harold Wessell

TOWN OF MALTA, March 31 The Town Board is expected to vote adoptioni of the Stewart's Shop  #315 Planned Development District, to be located near the access road to Luther Forest Technology Campus in Maltaville,

The Town may soon be home to an aquatic center, as Board members on Monday offered their encouragement to partners Laura Davis, Tara Sullivan, and Kara Haraden.

Town Supervisor Paul Sausville related that he, Town  Parks  and Recreation Director Audrey Ball and Building and Planning Coordinator Anthony Tozzi recently had the opportunity to sit down with them about their interest in establishing The Adirondack Aquatic Center in the Town.

Entire article in the April 3 issue of the Express.

Brown’s Beach – A Work In Progress – By Harold Wessell

STILLWATER, October 14 --The Stillwater Town Board is looking for a few ... more ... good men – and women, to make the revival of Brown’s Beach the community’s accomplishment, says Town Supervisor Edward Kinowski. He envisions the same kind of effort that went far toward the creation of Hollow Town Park, where citizens made new things happen.

"Our Board is making progress with the Brown's Beach restoration," Kinowski told the Express in a conversation this week. "Over the past four weeks, following the final purchase on 16 Sept., a variety of tasks was accomplished by volunteers and contractors.  Most of the work to date

To Read More Login To The Weekly Paper - page 2

Waterford Board Postponed, Aug. 6 Hearing Will Be Held

By Harold Wessell

TOWN OF WATERFORD, July 30 – The Waterford  Town Board announced during its agenda session Tuesday that it will  meet this coming Tuesday, August 6 at  7:30PM  for an already scheduled Public Hearing, only  The monthly Business Meeting that evening  is postponed until Wednesday,  August 14 at 7:00PM.

In a brief special meeting during the agenda session. Three  resolutions were passed:

- Beginning the process of establishing a Capital Resource Corporation, basically a direct replacement  of the present  Industrial Development Agency. IDAs are being discontinued by New York State.

– Endorsing  the concept of the Champlain Canal trail plan; Lawler said he would ask Village Mayor Bert Mahoney to represent the Town and Village on the working group.

– An Aug. 21 scheduled  bid opening, concerning road improvements for 2013. is also moved, to   to September 1. .

Supervisor John Lawler called attention to an August 13  Public Hearing, 6:30PM at the high school on the planned replacement of the Cohoes-Waterford bridge, which the State hopes to begin in 2018 or 2019. Lawler said that when it does begin, the work should be a relatively "minor distraction," because the current bridge will remain standing while the new one is built beside it. More information was to be put on the Town website.