Wormuth Will Not Step Down – By Michael Bielawski

Halfmoon – Mindy Wormuth, Town Supervisor since 2007, will not step down from that role after four Town Board Members asked her to resign. The resignation request came after the Times Union reported that FBI agents visited her office for reasons that for now remain unknown. Wormuth was not present at the latest Town Board meeting due to a family emergency, though there was a media circus and some critical voices to be heard.
The board members who signed the request are Walter Polak, Paul Hotaling, John Wasielewski and Craig Hayner, which stated that while Wormuth is not presumed guilty of anything, it is in their opinion in the town’s best interest for her to resign.

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Wormuth Called to Resign/Halfmoon Town Budget – by Michael Bielawski

Halfmoon – A boomtown having doubled in size since 2001, Halfmoon’s town budget has been subject to criticism from the New York State Comptroller’s office for depleting its fund balance.  Depending on who you ask, the drained fund is either the product of the 2008 economic downturn, or just poor economic planning by the Town Board.  We spoke with Democrat Deana Stevenson who has been critical of the Town Board’s budgeting, and Republican Town Supervisor Mindy Wormuth, to get both sides of the story.

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Halfmoon to Celebrate 225th – By Michael Bielawski

Halfmoon - The town of Half-Moon will have its fifth annual Fall Festival and Parade on Saturday the 21st.  However more significant, it will be the town's 225th anniversary, which we know largely thanks to the recovery and restoration of old town records.  Most of Half-Moon's records were destroyed in a fire in 1853, but not the minutes of the very first official town meeting of April 1st, 1788.

Here's what was written for the first meeting:

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Teacher Criticizes Test Results

By Michael Bielawski

MECHANICVILLE AUGUST 29 – A routine school board meeting was all the usual through its agenda.  Administrators and teachers discussed special education, class sizes, textbooks, transportation… nothing that elicited much debate.

Then came time for the public to give comments, and the first lady to speak was a parent and teacher.  She came to the microphone with a newspaper in hand, and she didn’t look happy.  She was holding statistics on testing, specifically scores from throughout the Capital Region for the new NY State ELA (English Language Assessment) and math tests.

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Halfmoon Plans New Layout, Image, and Future

By Michael Bielawski

Sim City, 1989. And you thought it was just a game…

Halfmoon – The Zoning Review Committee of Halfmoon met last Thursday to discuss issues that they believe will shape the town and its image for decades to come. Discussion among members included ‘big box’ (chain) stores vs. ‘mom and pop’ stores, high vs. low density housing, managing river fronts and hiking trails, and the town’s rural image.

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Saratoga Gun Show Attracts Attorney General

By Michael Bielawski

SARATOGA – One of the hottest debates these days without question is the gun debate.  And New York State is at the center of this debate especially since the passage of the Safe Act.  In a nutshell, the Safe Act limits rounds that may legally be loaded in a firearm at any one time (to seven rounds), among other provisions about sales and background checks.
At this gun show, largely to ensure the Safe Act was followed, was New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman.  Some assumed the appearance might be awkward or even confrontational.  As it turns out, “The Attorney General was quite pleased with the way we run our shows” said David Petronis, the gun show operator.  He wasn’t there long, but he visited all the tables and embraced an atmosphere that was likely very different from his liberal base.

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