Request For Qualifications (RFQ)  RAD Consultant

Request For Qualifications (RFQ)

 RAD Consultant

Released: August 5, 2017          Due: September 4, 2017 by 10AM


The Mechanicville Housing Authority (MHA) is seeking a consultant to conduct a feasibility study of our portfolio for the purpose of determining if our participation in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program utilizing Project Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) is in the best interest of the Housing Authority. If it is in the best interest of the MHA to proceed with RAD the analysis should determine whether utilizing Project Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) is more suitable and should outline a plan to accomplish the RAD conversion.

Eligible Applicants

Non-profit and for-profit consultants with the expertise to provide the analysis.

The Project

The MHA recently received Commitments to enter into Housing Assistance Payments (CHAP) award letters from HUD for all of our properties listed below.

  • NY015000001 – John S. Moore Homes – 120 units
  • NY015000002 – Mechanicville – 40 units (aka Davenport Estates)

This RFQ is for NY015000002 – Mechanicville – 40 units for a subsidy swap process only.

In addition to copies of the CHAP Award letter, the MHA will provide the selected consultant with the following documents to complete the analysis:

  • Our completed RAD Application for the subject site (Form HUD-5260 plus attachments)
  • Operating Statements for the subject site


PROPOSERS should submit a letter of interest and eight copies of their proposal, which must include the following (points listed are the maximum to be awarded in each category):

  • A demonstration of the PROPOSERS experience and competence in performing the required work (including identification of the qualifications and experience of key personnel to work on the project, descriptions of similar project experience and three reference letters).          30 points
  • A demonstration of the PROPOSERS awareness of the Rental Assistance Demonstration Program. 25 points
  • A plan describing how the analysis will be accomplished. Items to include: 30 points
  • Any additional documentation that may be needed for the analysis;
  • A timeline indicating a minimum when the analysis will commence and conclude;
  • Anything else deemed relevant by proposer.
  • It is the intent of the MHA that the proposer also order and pay for a RPCA pursuant to RAD Guidelines in accordance PIH Notice 2012-32 Revision 3 (“Notice”) and all subsequent revisions for the subject property. Please note to include this cost in your fee schedule.
  • A Fee Schedule which includes the total costs of the work requested as well as an itemization of the cost for each proposed task. This RFQ is for services to include filing of the financing plan and closing of the transaction. 15 points

The MHA reserves the right to interview selected top ranking PROPOSERS, if it is deemed necessary to better determine the PROPOSERS approach.

Joint venture proposals will be accepted and are encouraged to the extent that they create a collaboration of expertise to meet the many and varied aspects of this request for proposals.



The MHA intends to enter into a contractual relationship with the PROPOSER deemed most advantageous to the MHA based on the requirements noted in the FORM OF PROPOSAL section of this document. All expenses related to the submission of a proposal are the sole responsibility of the PROPOSER. The MHA reserves the right to modify, amend or withdraw any or all components of this RFQ at any point prior to the finalization of a contract with a selected proposer. The PROPOSER selected will be expected to sign and abide by a Standard Agreement for Contractual Services which includes all required clauses regarding contracts with governmental entities.   Questions regarding this RFQ should be directed to John A. Enzien, Executive Director, Mechanicville Housing Authority, 2 Harris Avenue, Suite 1, Mechanicville, New York 12118; (phone: (518) 664-9897 ext. 22, fax: (518) 664-9834, e-mail: up to one week prior to the due date for proposals.



Applicants should submit eight copies of proposals to be received by no later than 10:00 A.M. on September 4, 2017 to:

RAD Analysis Proposals

               Mechanicville Housing Authority
2 Harris Avenue, Suite 1

           Mechanicville, New York 12118  

MECHANICVILLE Housing Authority Options

Responses to this RFQ will be reviewed in accordance with the evaluation criteria contained in this RFQ. MHA reserves the right to cancel this RFQ, or to reject, in whole or in part, any and all responses received in response to this RFQ. MHA further reserves the right to waive any minor informalities or the failure of any respondent to comply herewith if it is the public interest to do so.

MHA will reject the proposal of any respondent who is debarred, suspended, or issued a Limited Denial of Participation by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and/or the NYS Division of Housing and Community Renewal from providing services to public housing authorities, and reserves the right to reject the proposal of any respondent who has previously failed to properly perform any contract for the MHA.

The determination of the criteria and review process and the selection decision shall be at the sole and absolute discretion of the MHA.

John A. Enzien

Executive Director

Mechanicville Housing Authority