Bill Sheehan Honored by Post 490 – by Kathleen Sheehan

STILLWATER APRIL 11- Bill Sheehan was honored on Saturday for 70 years of service to and membership in the American Legion Earl J. Manning Post 490 in Stillwater.  Bill has been a prolific contributor to this newspaper over the past several decades.  Bill has described in vivid detail the feats of many Stillwater athletes, helped console grieving families with heartfelt descriptions of their loved ones, and reminded all of us, both in print and in his many Memorial Day and American Legion speeches, of the ultimate sacrifice so many made while serving their country.

Read the entire article in the April 16th issue.

Post #490 Remembers Pearl Harbor – By Sandy McBride

Earl J. Manning Post #490 of the American Legion will commemorate Pearl Harbor Day on Friday, December 7 at 5 p.m. with a ceremony inside the post and the traditional laying of a decorated wreath outside at the Veterans’ Memorial immediately following.

Seventy-one years ago, on December 7, 1941, on a peaceful Sunday morning, the Japanese bombarded the American naval base at Pearl Harbor. That brazen assault did, in effect, as even the Japanese hierarchy acknowledged, awaken a sleeping giant.  In the face of fear, grief and anger, the American people came together, joined forces and did what needed to be done to defeat an enemy which had been bold enough to attack us on our own turf.


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