Wormuth Will Not Step Down – By Michael Bielawski

Halfmoon – Mindy Wormuth, Town Supervisor since 2007, will not step down from that role after four Town Board Members asked her to resign. The resignation request came after the Times Union reported that FBI agents visited her office for reasons that for now remain unknown. Wormuth was not present at the latest Town Board meeting due to a family emergency, though there was a media circus and some critical voices to be heard.
The board members who signed the request are Walter Polak, Paul Hotaling, John Wasielewski and Craig Hayner, which stated that while Wormuth is not presumed guilty of anything, it is in their opinion in the town’s best interest for her to resign.

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Wormuth Called to Resign/Halfmoon Town Budget – by Michael Bielawski

Halfmoon – A boomtown having doubled in size since 2001, Halfmoon’s town budget has been subject to criticism from the New York State Comptroller’s office for depleting its fund balance.  Depending on who you ask, the drained fund is either the product of the 2008 economic downturn, or just poor economic planning by the Town Board.  We spoke with Democrat Deana Stevenson who has been critical of the Town Board’s budgeting, and Republican Town Supervisor Mindy Wormuth, to get both sides of the story.

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