Town of Malta Looking For Volunteers

If you are interested in good government for the Town of Malta and would like to volunteer your time and talent for a future position on the Board of Assessment Review Commission please send a letter expressing your interest along with your resume’ by August 16th to Malta Supervisor, Paul Sausville at or mail to 2540 Route 9, Malta, New York 12020.

Members of the Malta Board of Assessment Review are appointed by the Town Board for a 5-year term and must be a resident of the Town of Malta.  The mission of the Board of Assessment is to hear and decide appeals made by property owners on the Assessor’s property valuation assessments during the grievance process.

Town of Malta – Looking for Volunteers



June 25, 2013

Town of Malta Looking For Volunteers

If you are interested and would like to volunteer your time and talent representing the Town of Malta as an Associate Library Trustee on the Round Lake Library Board of Trustees please send a letter expressing your interest along with your resume’ by July 12th to Malta Supervisor, Paul Sausville at or mail to 2540 Route 9, Malta, New York 12020.

Members of the Malta/Round Lake Library Board of Trustees meet monthly and have full involvement in all library operations and budgeting.