Statement from NYS Senator Kathleen A. Marchione (R,C-Halfmoon)

on 12-year observance of September 11, 2001

 “Today marks the twelfth year since the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 that resulted in the murder of nearly 3,000 of our fellow Americans. In the time since, America has fought two long wars and sent its best and brightest off to battle, many of whom have come home with the visible and invisible wounds of war. We need to make the care and comfort of all our wounded heroes a national, non-partisan priority at all levels of government. Let’s care for them the way they fought for us. While we are remembering the incredible heroism of our soldiers, we should also reflect on the bravery of our fallen firefighters, police and EMTs. Think about the unimaginable personal courage it took for them to enter the Twin Towers and rescue their fellow New Yorkers. Remember all of our first responders we lost that terrible day, along with the victims of the attacks, their families, and the men and women of our military who have made, and continue making, the ultimate sacrifice to keep us safe. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, please observe a moment of silence today to remember and honor their sacrifice and say a prayer for their families.”

Tonko Statement on Anniversary of September 11th

WASHINGTON – Congressman Paul Tonko (D-NY) released the following statement this evening on the anniversary of September 11th. Tonko will mark the day by attending a remembrance ceremony with Congressional colleagues at the U.S. Capitol, and participating in a USO service project, assembling care packs for wounded, ill and injured service members.
“Today is a day to pause and remember those we lost twelve years ago, our first responders who sprang into action, and the brave men and women of our armed services who continue to sacrifice in defense of our great nation. In their honor, we must work together toward a world that is built upon peace and prosperity while rejecting the forces of terrorism and violence.”