Tag Archives: July 5
July 5th and 6th at the Stillwater Blockhouse
STILLWATER - Have you ever wondered what went on during the American Revolution when there wasn’t a battle? Come join the 13th Regiment of the Albany County Militia 4th Company on July 5th and 6th at the Stillwater Blockhouse on Route 4 in the Village of Stillwater. Come and take a peek behind the scenes of the American Revolution. There will be an encampment representing everyday life for a militia and their families.
On Saturday, July 5th at 1:00 p.m., please join us for a reading of the Declaration of Independence followed by a toast to freedom.
Throughout the day, there will be arms demonstrations including the firing of cannons and ending with a mesmerizing firing demonstration at dusk where the sky lights up with the sounds of freedom firing.
There will be period clothing for children to try on so they may experience a feel for what it was like to dress in the 18th century. After dressing, the children will have an opportunity to join the militia and learn some drills that were essential to winning the battle that changed history.
There will be a blacksmithing demonstration throughout the day. The blacksmith will be making various tools that are used by our militia members.
The doors of the Blockhouse will be open. Inside, you can find information showing just how important this area was to the fight for freedom. Many of the items on display inside will not be seen anywhere else.
Please stop by the Stillwater Blockhouse on Saturday, July 5th, from 10:00 a.m. until dusk and on Sunday, July 6th, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. As always, there is no admission charge to join us. We welcome you to help us celebrate the Independence Day holiday-- 18th century style!