MECHANICVILLE - Registration for all grades Kindergarten to High school will be available the following times and places:
- At the Parish Center 52, William Street, Mechanicville: after the 4:00pm Mass and 10:30 am Mass: the weekends of September 6th / 13th and September 7th/ 14th
- Registration will also be offered during Faith Formation office hours Monday- Thursday - 8:00am to 3:00pm.
Registration Forms are also available to download or to pick up at the following places:
- At St Peter’s Church, Stillwater, and St Paul’s in Mechanicville *
- Classes Start for Elementary Grades on Monday, September 22 And Wednesday, September 24th
- For Grades 6-High School, Sunday, September 28th
Please call Vickie Giulianelli, Director of Faith Formation with any questions or concerns at 664-3354.