National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (L.E.A.D.)-January 9th, 2015

On Friday, January 9th, Rensselaer County Sheriff Jack Mahar asks residents to show their support to the dedicated men and women who serve and protect our communities. Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc. (C.O.P.S.) and partnering organizations will unite in support of law enforcement officers nationwide to promote a National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (L.E.A.D.).

On this day, citizens are asked to show their support for our nation's law enforcement officers. County residents can demonstrate their appreciation by wearing blue clothing. Folks are encouraged to share a positive story about an experience involving law enforcement. Sending a card or thanking one of them in person will also be greatly appreciated.

Can you imagine going to work each day and wondering if you’ll survive your shift and see your family that night? Most people can’t. But in law enforcement, this is a fact of life. Each day 780,000 police officers across our country put a badge on and go to work knowing they may face extremely dangerous situations. Yet, they go to work anyway. Being a law enforcement officer is not just a job, it is a calling. The pay is low, the hours can be terrible, and there is sometimes little appreciation for what you do. Yet, they do it anyway. According to C.O.P.S..

Another way is to participate in Project Blue Light” by replacing your porch light with a blue bulb. Blue lights are a silent way of responding positively in the wake of all the negativity shown toward law enforcement agencies in recent weeks.

According to the C.O.P.S. website, between 105 and 203 officers will lose their life n the line of duty each year. Upwards of 50,000 officers are assaulted while another 14,000 officers are injured in the line of duty each year. Sadly, over 300 officers commit suicide each year. The numbers are grim as there are very few professions in the world, where you will find these kinds of statistics.

“By showing your support on January 9th, you can make a difference” said Mahar.

Heroin Enforcement a New Reality – by H. Wessell


 Some people should know that the person who might literally stop the death from heroin overdose of a friend, relative or oneself might be the policeman or policewoman just coming around the corner.

   It can be done with a little object that can be carried in a pocket a nasal spray, but no ordinary one, called Narcan (Nalaxone).

   Stillwater Police Sgt. Raymond  Cordani,  who becomes also Town Police Commissioner in a few weeks,  and who in an earlier story in this paper said better and better ongoing training of officers will be a priority, noted how there is an upsurge of training on use of  Narcan,


Read the entire article in the June 12th issue of the Express.