Saratoga Board of Supervisors Update – by Harold Wessell

BALLSTON~SPA, February 24 – The February business meeting of the Saratoga County Board of Supervisors, meeting later than their usual third Tuesday,  had the following items on its agenda recommended by the Law and Finance Committee.

   (At that point, a resolution generally is anticipated to be passed. The business meeting votes take place after this newspaper's press time.)

Read the entire article in the March 5th issue.

Stillwater to Keep Old Town Hall – by H. Wessell

TOWN OF STILLWATER, February 5 – On Thursday, the Town board had an uncommon sort  of resolution presented by  Supervisor Edward Kinowski as the only agenda item: as it were, a “multiple-choice question.”    

The choices were:

(A) retention of the old town hall for Town use, primarily as a new home for the Police Department, along with any additional  uses the Town Board should determine.

(B) Renting the building;

(C) Selling it outright. 

   The Board chose to keep the building, and make any changes needed for police use.The board approved the option to retain for town use, first of all for the Police Department. Councilwoman Virginia Whitman voted no; Arthur Baker said he had intended to oppose, but  joined rest of the board on a yes vote.

Read the entire article in the Feb. 12 issue.

Year of Positive Transition for Saratoga Board of Supervisors – by H. Wessell

BALLSTON SPA, January 2 – New Chairman of the Saratoga County Board of Supervisors Matthew Veitch showed his readiness to get to work when, escorted by colleagues into the Board Chamber at the annual organizational meeting on Friday, he went directly to the Chairman‘s seat and was about to conduct business, when he was reminded he first had to take the oath of office.

Read the entire article in the Jan. 8th issue of the Express.


Basile Not Running for Village of Stillwater Reelection – by V. Albert

STILLWATER DECEMBER 16- In other Village news, Trustee John Basile announced he will not be standing for re-election to the Village Board. Mayor Martin hailed Basile as 'a great asset to the Village of Stillwater and the Village Board' during his terms of service on the Board and as Deputy Mayor.

Read the entire article in the December 25th issue.

Local Government Budgets – By H. Wessell

TOWN OF STILLWATER, November 20 - The Town of Stillwater like all New York towns is supposed to approve its Preliminary Budget for the new year  on or before November 20. Following Thursday's Town Board business meeting, Supervisor Edward Kinowski mused with this writer: Yes, the Town does have a budget in place, in one way...  but it doesn't, in another,and rather roundabout way.   "Normally by Nov. 20," explained the Supervisor,  "We are ready  to do that."    But due to what he called "a little bit of a nuance that occurred three days before," the Town did not yet pass its budget by a vote. But in the aforementioned roundabout way, the Town still DOES have a Final Budget in place, as of that night.

Read the entire article in the Nov. 27th issue of the Express.

The Express Newspaper – November 20, 2014

Mechanicville School board Updates – By D. Coreno

NOVEMBER 6- At the School Board meeting Superintendent Dr. Michael McCarthy recommended and the Board approved the following coaching changes:

Tom Berigan resigned as the Mechanicville girls modified basketball coach. Jim Kenyon was appointed as the 8th grade girls basketball coach.
William Rabbit was appointed as 7th grade girls basketball coach.
Tom Richardson , formerly the boys modified basketball coach was appointed as the 8th grade boys basketball coach.

Read the entire article in the Nov. 13 issue of the Express


Stillwater BOE Accepting Letters of Interest

STILLWATER - The Board of Education of the Stillwater Central School District is accepting letters of interest from district residents who are willing to be appointed to and serve on the Stillwater Board of Education until May 19, 2015, when the school district will be having its annual budget vote and Board of Education elections. Letters of interest should include information that will assist the Board in selecting a qualified candidate. All letters may be submitted to District Clerk Mary Sgambati, Stillwater CSD, 1068 Hudson Avenue, Stillwater, NY 12170, no later than Friday, November 14, 2014.


Waterford Museum’s 50th Anniversary – by H. Wessell

Also Tuesday, the Board honored the Waterford Museum and Cultural Center at its 50th anniversary. Director Paul Archambault, who began his position in July, spoke and the following is taken from his remarks.\
"What we're celebrating this year is really an historic preservation story. It's not only the founding of a museum, but also of saving a house:" the 1830s Hugh White house, home of a prominent Waterford Citizen, located at 2 Museum Lane, an historic Federal style revival house that is now home to the center.

Read the entire article in the October 16th edition of the Express.

Common Core Mechanicville School Board – by H. Wessell

Three area superintendents of schools with very different histories had similar thoughts on how Common Core is doing in its second year, in their districts.

Dr. Stanley Maziejka has been Superintendent of the Stillwater Central School district for eight years, and with his previous eight years leading the Fort Edward district is currently the senior superintendent in the entire capital region.

Read the entire article in the Sept. 11th issue of the Express.