Thanksgiving Truce Story and Photos By: Bob Dunn III / Converged Imaging


I woke up at about 6 am on the day after Thanksgiving. It was barely light out when my brother came to the front door to borrow a couple of radios so he and my dad could  communicate on their morning hunt. It was after all dear season and they had not yet  harvested anything yet. The morning was quite cold and I had decided not to join them as I  had all intentions of going back to bed. But instead I turned on a third radio and went to my  desk to work at my computer.


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The Troy Turkey Trot a True Thanksgiving Tradition By Christine Barton


Participating in the Annual Troy Turkey Trot for many, is as much of a Thanksgiving Tradition as turkey and cranberry sauce.  The 65th annual Thanksgiving Day event drew 8,290 participants this year, a record number from years past.  It is hard to determine how many thousands of spectators were on the sidelines adding energy to the day as they cheered racers on.


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Costanzo’s Rocks It Again – by Melissa LeMay

WATERFORD -  On Saturday afternoon and into the evening Costanzo’s River Side Restaurant was the site for the fifteen annual Rock For Tots NY event. Andy Walters & Alan Hein came up with this idea fifteen years ago and started a partnership with Toys for Tots as a way to give back to their community. This is a great organization that helps families in need and who struggle during the Holiday season. Without this program children in our community would go without a Christmas.


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Town May Consider Tax Incentive to Increase Trail Routes — by Harold Wessell

TOWN OF STILLWATER, November 15 – Town Supervisor Ed Kinowski put out a question for the future    of trails in the Town to participants in Thursday’s Town Board meeting.

As the Town and County – indeed whole country as he said -- are more and more actively pursuing development of trails, the Supervisor floated the idea that perhaps it could be an incentive for the Town to offer some assessment credit to landowners who would be willing to allow a trail over or along some of their property.

An effort by a municipality to gain land for a trail – like any easement request – can be time consuming and expensive ... and sometimes become contentious. He suggested that a more creative and citizen-friendly approach would be to offer some  assessment credit on what little square footage of land might be sought, and the transaction could become one in which owners who are approached can feel that they are being  invited to be a positive part of something for the community. "We've been trying to pursue trails within our town.

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